It’s funny how things come round! I first created this article along with another draft back in late March 2020 as a scratchpad for other (not too serious) ideas.

I was rolling around a few ideas for content and in a fit of imagining the clickbait-iest of clickbait topics, thought I’d have a go at religion.

Well, Dan K’s tweet unsurprisingly started ringing bells, so I decided to top and tail it, add a cover image and publish it…because why not, right? Thanks for the reminder that we can have a bit of fun with this 🙏

Speaking of which, it IS just a bit of fun, so please don’t read too much into it and if you have any of your own “commandments” to add, I encourage you to do so via the comments section below.

If there’s enough interest, I’ll go ahead and expand the list here with some less clickbaity descriptions. Maybe.


~ EM

My ten commandments of film photography

Thou shalt have no other photography medium before film (after is ok)

Thou shalt not take the name of film in vain

Remember the archival day and to keep it holy

Honour thy film and thy camera

Thou shalt not kill an exposure

Thou shalt not commit brand adultery

Thou shalt not steal images

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy fellow photographer

Thou shalt not covet thy fellow photographer’s gear

Thou shal make unto thee many craven photographs

Share your knowledge, story or project

The transfer of knowledge across the film photography community is the heart of EMULSIVE. You can add your support by contributing your thoughts, work, experiences and ideas to inspire the hundreds of thousands of people who read these pages each month. Check out the submission guide here.

If you like what you’re reading you can also help this passion project by heading over to the EMULSIVE Patreon page and contributing as little as a dollar a month. There’s also print and apparel over at Society 6, currently showcasing over two dozen t-shirt designs and over a dozen unique photographs available for purchase.

Share your knowledge, story or project

The transfer of knowledge across the film photography community is the heart of EMULSIVE. You can add your support by contributing your thoughts, work, experiences and ideas to inspire the hundreds of thousands of people who read these pages each month. Check out the submission guide here.

If you like what you’re reading you can also help this passion project by heading over to the EMULSIVE Patreon page and contributing as little as a dollar a month. There’s also print and apparel over at Society 6, currently showcasing over two dozen t-shirt designs and over a dozen unique photographs available for purchase.

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2 responses to “The ten commandments of film photography”

  1. You forgot “Thou shalt not make lists of stupid commandments, for ye shall be trolled.”

  2. I am aware of another list followed by a secret organization known by some as the ‘Order of Daguerre’. I can share but the first three rules proclaimed by the Prophet Johnny…
    1-Cameras are instruments of The Golden Orb and should be used, they are not decorative and should not reside on a shelf. ‘Rolls’ in the order will use the instruments they have and those they do not, should be passed on so that other may learn the ways.
    2-Your instruments should be well cared for and fully serviced – neglect and misuse is an offence and may be punishable should it be deemed serious – always CLA.
    3–Fresh is best – buy fresh film and use it – preservation of expired film is accepted but fresh film should be used or not purchased at all.


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